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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Here’s What Financial Advisers Are Advising Clients Amid Social Security Uncertainty


Social Security isn’t shattered, but it’s shaky. The latest report on Social Security paints a concerning picture, with the combined retirement and disability trust fund reserves projected to run out by 2035. This has raised anxiety among many Americans, especially those near retirement age, who are uncertain about the amount of benefits they can expect.

While the trustees report shows a slightly improved outlook compared to previous estimates, with the fund expected to be depleted by 2035, there is still cause for concern. Without any changes, beneficiaries could face a 17% cut in benefits. This could have a significant impact, as Social Security plays a crucial role in the financial security of many Americans, providing at least half of the income for half of seniors.

To address this shortfall, several solutions have been proposed, including increasing payroll taxes, raising the retirement age, and lifting the cap on income subject to Social Security tax. However, one thing is clear – it’s essential for individuals to take proactive steps to secure their financial future. Planning for a reduced benefit, saving and investing early, and considering delaying Social Security are some strategies that can help mitigate the impact of potential benefit cuts.

As the deadline for Congressional action looms closer, it’s imperative for individuals to take control of their retirement planning and prepare for any potential changes to Social Security. By being proactive and taking steps to secure their financial future, individuals can navigate the uncertainty surrounding Social Security and ensure a more stable retirement.

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