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Friday, January 31, 2025

How can I prioritize my mental wellbeing instead of just keeping calm and carrying on?


Recent times have been tough for everyone, with school and university closures, social isolation, cancellations of events, and travel bans. It’s no wonder that mental wellbeing has been impacted. But what exactly is mental wellbeing?

Good mental wellbeing is different for everyone but generally involves feeling able to work and study, being connected to others, and being able to bounce back from life’s challenges. It’s like a garden – if you nurture it by taking care of yourself, you’ll be able to grow beautiful things in it.

Recognizing when you have good mental wellbeing can be tricky, especially when life gets busy. Sometimes it takes a major event or input from a friend to realize you need to focus on uplifting your mental wellbeing.

One area that can impact mental wellbeing is social media. While it’s a great way to connect, it can also make us feel down as we compare ourselves to others. Setting limits, cleaning your feed, and taking breaks can help you find balance.

Limiting alcohol and drug use can also improve your mood and overall wellbeing. Small daily actions like spending time with family and friends, trying new activities, and practicing mindfulness can also boost your mental wellbeing.

Spending time in nature, caring for plants, and engaging in acts of kindness can contribute to your mental health as well. Remember, it’s important to seek support if you’re struggling. Resources like Lifeline, Suicide Call Back Service, and beyondblue are available 24/7 to help.

Taking care of your mental wellbeing is essential, especially in challenging times. By incorporating small daily actions and seeking support when needed, you can work towards a happier and healthier you.

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