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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Three Reasons Why the US Financial Markets Are Thriving Amidst an Extended Fed Hold


The Federal Reserve has been on a mission to tighten monetary policy for over two years now, and surprisingly, the world hasn't crumbled under the pressure. Despite interest rates being at 23-year highs in the US, the economy seems to be holding up quite well. In fact, investors are scaling back their expectations for rate cuts, given the steady economic data and the overall resilience of the financial markets.

One of the reasons behind this unexpected stability is the shift in the financing landscape towards private markets. With more financing coming from non-bank institutions and private investors, the risks are less likely to spread and cause systemic problems. Additionally, the government debt has played a significant role in powering growth, with spending contributing its highest share to GDP growth in over a decade.

However, this doesn't mean that there aren't potential risks lurking beneath the surface. The IMF has warned about the implications of the private credit market, highlighting the lack of transparency and potential for market convulsions. Moreover, rising government debt levels and the Fed's balancing act between interest rates and inflation pose their own set of challenges.

While the Fed has been successful in managing the economy so far, there are still pockets of pain and vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. The real test will come during a downturn or a crisis, where the resilience of the financial system and consumers will truly be put to the test. As Karen Petrou from Federal Financial Analytics points out, the link between inequality and financial instability is a critical factor to consider in the current economic landscape.

In conclusion, while the Federal Reserve's monetary tightening may have defied expectations so far, the true test of the economy's stability lies ahead. It's crucial for policymakers and investors to remain vigilant and address the underlying vulnerabilities to ensure a sustainable and resilient financial system.

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